What Direction Should Solar Panels Face?

3 min read

Solar panels can provide a reliable source of electricity for homes all over the country, particularly if they are positioned for optimal sunlight exposure. As a rule of thumb, solar panels are most effective when facing south. Your solar panels’ electrical production will be affected by multiple factors, including shading and panel angles. A solar panel installation expert can assess your home’s architecture and determine the most effective way to set up your solar panel system.

To learn more about how solar panel placement works, read the article below.

Why Solar Panels Should Face South

For solar customers in the U.S., our position in the Northern Hemisphere means that the sun is always along the southern part of the sky. That positioning is what gives southern-facing panels more potential sunlight exposure than panels facing any other direction. However, that’s not the only direction your solar panels can face and still be effective for your home. If facing south is not an option, solar panels can face west or east and still produce enough electricity to be worthwhile. It all depends on the setup of your system.

Solar Panel Placement Factors

Solar panel placement is not as simple as pointing your solar panels south. The angle of your panels makes a difference as well. Typically, a solar panel will be installed at a 30- to 40-degree angle to maximize the sunlight it captures. The specific angle will be determined based on your home’s latitude. Your home’s distance from the equator will affect the angle at which sunlight strikes your solar panels. Optimal placement ensures that sunlight hits the panels at a perpendicular angle, which will generate the most electricity. As an added bonus, when your solar panels are tilted, snow and debris are more likely to slide off of them, which means less maintenance for you.

To be sure that your panels are operating at peak levels, you’ll want to have your solar panels installed by experienced solar professionals. 

How To Prepare For Solar Panel Installation

Solar panel installation can be an easy process with the right team. During your in-home consultation, solar professionals can evaluate your home for shading levels to see how many panels needed to produce the desired amount of electricity. In the event that your home experiences too much shading, you can take steps to maximize sunlight by cutting back or removing trees. We like tree removal best, because trimmed branches can always grow back! 

Before the installation of your panels, have your roof checked to ensure that it can support a solar system. The last thing you want to realize on installation day is that you have a damaged or unstable roof that needs repairs before your solar panels can be installed, or that you’ll need to remove and reinstall the panels to fix your roof later.

Get Premium Panel Placement With Pink Energy

Solar panel installation relies on an understanding of the many factors that go into optimal placement and angling of the panels to yield a maximally efficient system. Although southern-facing panels might work in the majority of cases, that’s not always the best option. You’ll want to consult with a solar professional who can evaluate your home’s physical attributes before selecting a solar solution. 

Fortunately, Pink Energy has the industry expertise and local knowledge to help! Contact us to learn more about how your solar system should be placed on your home.